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Test Taking Tips

When preparing for medical assistant chapter quizzes, final tests, and exams it is important to remember that thousands have done it, and so will you. If you attended (and paid attention) during your class lectures, and have done your workbook assignments, and homework, you have little to fear. Truth is, the answers have already been provided to you.

In preparation for a medical assistant test, make sure you…

a.) know what to expect

b.) study ahead of time

c.) review practice questions and lecture notes

Get ready…
 Reinforce skills essential to begin your medical assistant externship with confidence!
 Use practice quizzes to prepare for various medical assistant tests and exams!
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Quick Study Tips:
 Preparing for exams takes all year, so go over your notes every day – you actually will remember more this way.
 Keep copies of your old tests to summarize what you have learned, often teachers use old tests as guides to make their exams.
 Find a quiet place to study.
Use word associations and acronyms to help you remember.
 Make study notes in point form, cram them on index cards (flash cards!) and carry them with you everywhere.
 Record lessons or chapters that need to be reviewed on tape and listen to it often.
 Make up a test and then write it – this will show your weaknesses.
 Figure out your learning style and use it.
 Cramming the night before an exam is not productive, and it’s far better to get a good night’s sleep.
 Always have a good breakfast before an exam.

Use your time wisely. When the time is up, you must hand in your test, regardless of whether or not you are finished.

Studying for Your Medical Assistant Certification Exam

In addition to test-taking tips, another most frequently asked question is what to study for the medical assistant certification exam.

Again, know what to expect, study ahead of time, and review your study and lecture notes, workbooks, and practice questions. You need to study a book specifically written to help you pass the type of certification exam you are registered to take.

  1. Get as much hands-on experience as possible during your externship
  2. Study a book written specifically to help candidates pass the test
  3. Review practice questions from the certification sponsor/professional membership association
  4. Study the NHA Clinical Medical Assistant guide from Virginia College